Monday, June 2, 2008

After 5 months

Monday, June 2, 2008
Next thing you know is five months has gone by and the farthest we've been is to Denver. I wanted to make a trip but I don't know when. I guess by Wednesday I should just pack up and go and forget about everything else. If I did not do anything by now, we probably won't go anywhere until December. I mean, Aqil will start school about the same time my Fall classes begin. By then, I will be twice as busy as I was in Spring. So, either now or nothing.

OK, first where to hit? I just don't have any place specific to go so I think perhaps we should hit to Las Vegas. I wanted to go to Yellowstone but I guess we don't have any place to stay. The Niagara Falls is too far to drive, the train tickets is sold out so that no other option but to adjourn it to next time, only God knows when. Mount Rushmore..well, Hubby just so prefer the Sin City over the president's faces. So, nearest spot available is Vegas or Santa Fe. Well, let just say we hit to Vegas. OK, I'll check the room and all and see what we can come out with.

Oh btw, I got a place to work in Engineering Research Center (ERC) so I'll be bringing in some stuff to keep the shelves occupied and not so empty. I prefer to work at home because it's more convenience plus at home you'll get all the foods and whatnot. But I guess I just have to show up there sometimes to make sure I'm in "active mode " and to show of that things are working fine. Basically, my workspace at home are so much better than at ERC but on the other hands, you will be working more seriously than you will at home. It's a spacious room and I share it with 4 others. Sang Do, a PhD candidate from Korean, Kevin from Lousiana and Quentin from New Mexico, both works as Research Assistant over this Summer and Natalie, my classmate. Well, it is interesting because you can stop and ask them questions and all and it always fun to meet people. Nevertheless, I love working at home.


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