I had finish read the first book- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen before the break. I borrowed the book because I had watched the film last Sunday and was so moved by it. It was my second time, the first time I watch it on Astro HBOs and the recent one was aired on OH! I read the book because I found Mr Darcy and Lizzie was simply romantic. I love the film better because the book was rather dull and boring. Plus, the illustration in the book would make Mr Darcy looks so plain it was not worth pursuing. However it was worth reading it so you could understand a lot more than just watching the movie alone. The book I read was in plain hard cover with the classic floral prints.
I always loves Keira Knightley especially her acts in Pirates of the Carribean. Although she is so terribly skinny she is so beautiful. I wish I could tell her right in her face that she should put up some weight. It will be a blessing if I could transfer some of my fat to her. Mr Darcy on the other hand is a very new face to me. Matthew McFadyen might be infamous in Britain but he looks dashingly handsome in the movie. This is quite and old movie, release in Nov. 2005 so I shouldn't put lots of review here. One thing I am sure of is I simply loves the ending in the movie than the ending in the book. I think I will have to watch Atonement too. Yeah, I know, I always late on these sort of things. Oh, credit to allmoviephoto.com for the above pix. Thanks!
I will resolve the purchase of Anne series later because I was thinking to buy the DVD Platinum edition of Lord of The Rings trilogy at Amazon. I had finished reading the first two series, The Ring and The Two Towers just before I came to US and my plan was to finish the third, The Return of The King in here. Unfortunately, the bloody Pos Malaysia had messed up my stuff and I had left with nothing. I also lost my treasured Hydrology textbook too. I had tried not to talk about the "tragedy" because it will boiled me with so much anger.
Now, let's type something nice like Anne would say, "something with a scope of imagination". I just love reading because it brings so much youth into you. I always fancy reading with an exclusion of textbooks and journals. How terribly sad I must be. I should be like Anne who really diligent in her study. OK, time now quarter past 10 and Aqif had sleep already. I need to plan for tomorrow's trip. We'll go to Denver of course to buy some supplies but I was thinking to make a longer trip. Hubby wanted to go to Vegas but I guess I'm not ready yet. Well, we'll see.
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