Anyways, my whole family simply loves Roti Canai and back home in KL, we used to take the kids at late afternoon after coming home from work (if we have sufficient time) to nearby restaurant to eat Roti Canai. Normally, on Saturdays or Sundays, if Mak Wan does not made breakfast we will eat roti canai at one of our favorite places. Our favorites spots are Alif Raya at Alam Damai or Briyani Johor at Suakasih, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. We even drive up to Bt. 10 Hulu Langat and simply drop by any interesting restaurant to have Roti Canai. Sometimes, we even took the kids to Pasar Muhibbah Ampang, near our office. (I missed Nasi Lemak Along there. I even had a dream few days ago eating the Nasi Lemak and it feels real!).
Basically, these rituals is sort of family entertainment and quality time spend together in a most enjoyable fashion possible plus the most cheapest too. Everyone will simply enjoy it and the kids will have it with their favorite drink, Teh O Ais Limau (Ice Lime Tea) while we will have it with Teh Tarik. After all, Roti Canai is easily available through out the country as it is our favorite food and most consumed meal by Malaysians after rice. It is available 24-7 especially at Mamak Restaurants. So, everybody loves Roti Canai and you can enjoy eat it anytime you want!
Now, living abroad away from home, my husband has developed a progressive skill in the arts of making Roti Canai. Aqil can eat up to 3 piece in one setting and Aqif can eats 2. Whenever I made curry for lunch or for dinner, the kids will request for Roti Canai and Baba will make them their favorite food. I hopes when we return home later, Baba can keep up the good job of making delicious home made Roti Canai. After all, the Roti Canai price in KL has gone up to RM1 per piece. It will sure save lots of money to make 'em yourself!
1 cup of bleached wheat flour
1 cup of warm water
1 tblspn of sweetened condensed milk
1 tblspn of butter
1 egg
1/2 teaspn of salt
Vegetable oil for cooking
1. Sift the flour directly to the bowl
2. Pour in the salt, milk,egg and butter and mix well by hand
3. Add warm water little by little and keep on mixing the dough until soft
4. Make a small rounded ball-like dough and lightly coated the dough with oil
5. Leave the dough to softened in room temperature for at least 2 hours
6. Then you can start flatten it
7. Keep remaining dough in the fridge.
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