Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mari bercerita...
So, apa lagi dok belek-belek FP Yan sedap pulak baca cerita dia pasal anak2.. yelah, kalau tak direkodkan nanti memang lupa. Macam Aqil tu, bila tengok balik gambar lama-lama dia, Ya Allah, how time flies and I even feel guilty as if I not gave him enough attention and whatnot. Yelah, kesian dia, umo 2 tahun setengah dah dapat adik.. so, I was so busy then with Aqif. Tapi, come to think of it, at least kat sini dia ada kawan.. especially bila travel tu, yelah budak, minat dia lain dari kita so ad ala kawan nak bergurau.. takde laa moyok jer muka tu.
Baca cerita orang pasal anak2 ni best betul.. apsal eh aku tak rekodkan semua tuh.. hmm, should I do that now? OK, let's begin with Aqil. Aqil dulu dari kecik memang minat main games ni. Umur dia 2 tahun dan pandai on computer, bukak and pasang CD then main sendiri semua games CD yang kami selalu beli kat Pandan Indah sebab murah kan.. he..he.. CD ciplak la apa lagi.. Bab ni memang dia pandailah sampai la sekarang. Bagi je games PS2 baru tu pandai jer dia godek2 main.. kalau bagi aku main memang tak reti ler.. tak kuasa nak fikir mana nak lompat, mana nak cari power segala tuh..
Rasanya masa umur dia setahun lebih, dia dah boleh cakap apa tah.. masa tu dalam kete.. but he was so cute then that balik rumah we kept asking him to repeat the sentences and end up laughing out loud. Start daripada tu, until a few years later, dia selalu cakap pelat sampai orang kata patut pegi bawak jumpa doktor sebab anak cakap pelat. I guess, our action then somehow had retarded his confidence and end up he just simply could not speaks properly. In fact, when we arrived here last winter, he still pelat. Eventually, he outgrew it and now sometimes when he said some words in Malay, he had this American accent pulak. I guess kalau aku yang cakap pelat omputih tu mau kena tampar dah...Favorite words dia skang ni "kewlll" tak pun "awesome". Dia pun dah pandai guna ayat dude kat kawan2 dia.. pandai-pandai je mengikut.. esok lusa ni lagipandai cakap omputih dari mak dia ni. Yelah, mama pun gagap juga bercakap orang putih ni..
Tadi masa tengah dok lepak2 kat depan tu, dia mengadu kat Baba dia tak tahu nak buat apa..yelah bila Mama dah dok kat couch tu means it's my time pulak nak tengok TV. Kalau tidak dia asik mengadap PS2 jelah. Dulu kat KL memang dia ada TV khas untuk main games so takde la kacau kami unless dia nak tengok katun sebab Astro kat TV atas jer.. Sini kena share. Yelah, walaupun TV LCD flat panel tu $800 jer kat sini tapi nak beli pun tak guna sebab tak boleh pakai kat Melesia. Kenapalah Melesia ni pakai voltage tinggi sangat haaa??? Sini barang elektrik murah2.. Off topic pulak.. so senang jer, suh jer dia buat homework. Aqil ni kalau datang mood rajin dia rajin dia buat homework. Macam tadi dia buat latihan huruf J, laju je dia sebut Jack-O-Lantern, Juggling, Jumping ropes.. hmm, pandai anak Mama.. dia sebut tadi dia nak pokok Krismas..alahai Aqil, memang tempted pun sebab pokok Krismas tu cantik.. tak salah sebenarnya kalau nak letak pokok Krismas dalam rumah.. cuma rumah aku ni mana muat nak letak pokok tu sayang....
Aqif pulak sekarang dah start minat main games. Sekarang hari-hari dah main game-boy. Sebelum ni dia lagi suka tengok You-Tube ABCs, kaler-kaler online dan nyanyi lagu ABCs. I'm happy he finally interested in electronic games. Those games need you to use your head to plan your next moves. His favorite words pulak "dia ittew..". Then rasanya bebudak besar tu semua sama, kuat mengacom (kuat repot) kalau abang dia buat ke, mama buat ke, baba buat ke.. kalau dia mengadu kat mama ke baba ke, kita tanya sapa buat dia cakap la sekian sekian, then bila kita tanya buat kat mana, dia siap tunjuk lagi kat mana..mengajuk tapi beriyer buat tu.. nak nak kalau abang dia yang buat.. abang dia tampar pipi ke.. dia pun siap tampar pipi dia nak tunjuk pada kita yang abang dia tampar pipi dia kuat..sakit. Tapi sejak dah besar sikit ni dah kurang dah ulang tayangan aksi ganas abang dia kat dia. Agak dia tahu kot.. ha..ha..ha..
Lepas tu kalau dia nak dapatkan something mula la berlakon.. kalau nak something dari Baba, dia kata tak nak sayang Mama..kalau nak something dari Mama pulak, tak nak sayang Baba... ayat dia..." Baba busuk...baba tak mandi.. " kalau Mama, sama jugaklah.. "Mama busuk, Mama tak mandi..". He..he.. ni semua ulangan ayat kita kat dia la bila kita suh dia mandi, dia tak nak.. kita pun cakap la tak nak sayang Aqif.. Aqif busuk... Aqif tak mandi..he..he..he... So very cute. Lagi satu yang Mama tak berapa gemar ni sebab bila tidur tangan dia tu suka merayap mengusap-ngusap pipi kita. Sambil tidur ni tangan tu dok gosok pipi.. Hish, mama cukup rimas la.. so far Baba jer yang tahan kalau Aqif gosok pipi. Kalau Mama mesti dah tepis-tepis dah... Mama tak boleh tido laaa... Ni ikut genetik mana ni suka gosok pipi orang tengah tido nih.. yang musykil tu, dia pun tidor jugak tapi tangan dok gerak-gerak boleh?
Sekarang, Mama dengan Baba paling suka dengar Aqif nyanyi lagu Old MacDonald. Sebab bila time eaeaooo tu dia punya tarik tersekat sekat .. kelakar dengar. Hari ni kan snowy, Baba dia cerita punyalah excited dia nak main snow sampai sanggup la mandi pagi.. ha..ha..ha.. kalau tidak puas nak suruh dia mandi. Tapi itulah, sekejap je main sebab dia kata sejuk. Abang Aqil jer suka main snow tak kira sejuk ke hapa.. Snow ni memang la best cuma tak tahan dia sejuk jer lah.. Kang kalau tak sejuk pulak kang dah tak snow pulak..
OKlah.. cukuplah tu.. Mata mama dah berat ni.. nak tido lah.. esokpagi ada kelas pukul 8. Adoiiiiiii, dah la sejuk, 8 pagi pulak tu.. hmm, ni kena angkut kopi sekali ni ..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Statement by Ku Lie
I sooooooooooo hate that darnnnnnn 5th element that soiled our land.. maybe we should consider giving the Pakatan Rakyat a try, eh? what to lose then.. we've been losing the grip and senses since the past 5 years..
Statement by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
September 23, 2008
I write this as a Malaysian, as someone who, over forty seven years of political life, has had the privilege of playing some small part in the formation our country, the building of its institutions, and our achievement of a degree of economic sufficiency. I write out of deep concern about the present state of our country.
In the lives of nations as of individuals, there come moments of profound possibility, when the potential for self-transcendence and for self-destruction are simultaneously present.
As before some critical examination in our youth, we come to the daunting realization that we hold our future in our hands, when how we will fare many years hence, and whether we shall flourish or languish, will depend on how we conduct ourselves now, in this small window of time.
We are in a political impasse that threatens to metastasize into a Constitutional crisis. Political crises come and go, but the present crisis might well be the beginning of a cascade of failures leading to long-term instability and destruction.
1. Our impasse occurs at a time of heightened economic, political and security challenges. The global economy faces the prospect of a meltdown on a scale last seen in the Great Depression of the last century. As a trading nation, we are strongly exposed to its effects. Meanwhile, while we seem to have slept, the global economy is undergoing an epic transformation that we must either adapt to or are marginalized by.
2. This year’s ground-shfiting General Election result signaled a public sentiment that cannot be ignored. Malaysians want fundamental change, and they want it now, whether from within the ruling coalition or from outside it. The Malaysian demographic has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. We have seen the birth of a more sophisticated, demanding electorate that has rightly lost patience with incompetence and dishonesty.
3. The grievances of Sabah and Sarawak, which found only partial expression in the General Elections, remain unaddressed. This risks the very integrity of our Federation.
4. Misunderstandings over race and religion are ripe for political exploitation, with potentially disastrous consequences.
Post election promises notwithstanding however, the government now commands even less confidence than it did post March 8.
The public is in near despair over the prospects for change from within the ruling party. Rather than share the public’s sense of urgency, our present office-holders have redoubled efforts to frustrate renewal, cut off reform, and silence criticism. These efforts only underscore the weakness of the administration and its will to change.
We can no longer deny that in its present form, and under present leadership, the government, led by the party to which I have given my life, is now structurally and inherently incapable of providing the direction and confidence that the country needs, whether over the long or short term. The indications are there for all to see:
1. The government has been unable to respond to the economic crisis with even a basic plan of action. Business confidence has plummeted as capital flees the country. Our economic policy remains as uncoordinated and directionless as it has been in since the beginning of this administration.
2. The recommendations of two Royal Commissions of Inquiry have been ignored or watered down into insignificance.
3. In this context, Umno’s constitutional provision for the renewal of its leadership by triennial elections might have been expected to provide some hope of renewal. Instead of embracing this opportunity, however, the leadership of the party has retreated into the fantasy world of a “transition plan” which rides roughshod over the party’s constitution and the rights of its members. This risible attempt to treat public office and party trust as a private bequest between two individuals, one of whom wishes to hold office beyond his democratic mandate and the other to ascend without one, and the continuing effort to force feed the country with this notion, fools no one. Instead, and against background of rampant money politics, it kills the public’s hope of national renewal via Umno. Behind the babble about a “transition plan” the Prime Minister continues to be subverted by members of his own cabinet and subjected to thinly cloaked power plays to force his resignation.
This resort to a “transition plan” betrays a disturbing failure to grasp the meaning and purpose of public office. In the more mature society into which we aspire to grow, persons who demonstrate and moreover propagate such disregard for constitutional and democratic process would long ago have been disqualified from public life, let alone from national leadership. The news appears not to have sunk in that the public rejects leaders who shun the open light of democratic contest in favour of staged plays and backroom plots.
Given Umno’s core role in national politics, this is a dangerous state of affairs. Meanwhile the Opposition has made undeniable gains in the number of parliamentarians it commands. Beyond the hype and inflation, and regardless of whether Pakatan Rakyat now has “the numbers” to command a majority, what we cannot doubt is that support for the governing majority continues to erode, and that this erosion continues so long as there is no hope of real change in the type of leadership Umno provides. There is now a credible threat that the present government may at some time fall by a vote of no confidence, or by some otherwise constitutionally legitimate demonstration of parliamentary majority. After fifty-one years of rule by a single party, this is not a possibility that is well understood. It is justifiably viewed with trepidation. Neither sheer denial on the one hand, or inflated claims on the other, help the situation.
To all appearances, we are beginning to lose grip of the rule of law. The use of the Internal Security Act and of Sedition Laws to target particular individuals further erodes the credibility of the government. Our actions exacerbate rather than calm the fear that stokes civil and racial strife. In the present context of a leadership struggle within Umno and against a strong Opposition it is impossible to dispel the notion that these extreme measures are calculated to maintain certain individuals in power rather than to address verifiable threats to national security. Nothing does more to undermine the legitimacy of a government than plainly unjust acts. The ridiculous justifications given for some of these detentions has further undermined public confidence that the awesome powers of state are in safe hands.
We cannot afford to allow these disturbing trends to play out their destructive course while we suffer a de facto leadership vacuum, and while the rule of law is uncertain and the Constitution not upheld.
Against this background I appeal to all parties to come together in humility, beyond party politics, to hold an honest discussion, in the spirit of shared citizenship and with the gravest attitude of common responsibility towards a longsuffering rakyat, about what is happening to our country and how we might agree together on a peaceful way beyond our impasse. We need to come together to find unity and direction out of this dangerous situation. In doing so, we might turn our crisis into an opportunity and renew our unity and sense of direction as Malaysia.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
31 Jalan Langgak Golf
55000 Kuala Lumpur
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin
1 October 2008 - First time sambut raya kat perantauan. Dah ler jauh, siap berlambak pulak homework sepanjang bulan puasa ni.. So, preparation di kira almost zero sebab on 1 Syawal tu ada kelas plus additional make up class at 5:30-6:30pm so the whole day from 9 pagi sampai lah lewat petang dok spend masa kat CSU.. Tapi sebab raya kan so masak jugaklah nasi impit dengan kuah kacang dan pulut kuning dengan rendang daging. Pemanis mulut buat ice-cream cake jer.. almost like breakfast then that was all...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Laksa Asam - resepi Pulut Cari Forum
Ini adalah resepi asal dari poremer CARI, En Pulut. Terima kasih Pulut hang post resepi ni. Lepaih ni aku nak try hat ice cream cake pulak.. Gaya bahasa dan susun atur adalah sejibik sejiban dari Pulut.. aku dah try dan jadi walaupun aku ni gatai tangan jugak adjust2 asam keping tu ikut suka hati..dah la buat time posa so masa makan buka posa tu aku kena pancing balik asam keping tu buang sebab dia masam terlebih..pastu, aku punya daun kesum tu takla sampai 3 bungkuih pasai aku beli dia dah ikat siap-siap so aku boh seikat tu jelah..banyak jugak la tu...he..he..he..
ikan temenung - 5 ekoq (mid size) nak kuah pekat tambah byk ikan - tp byk ni dah gud enuff
asam jawa - tak byk sgt , just utk cuci ikan ngan boh sket masa rebuih
1 tin kecik sardin - tunggu sampai operasi 3
operasi 1
cuci ikan dgn ayaq asamjawa bg hilang hanyaq. bilas bg bersih, hang rebuih dgn asam jawa ada lebih kurang besaq cekodok (byk nnt masam sgt). utk ayaq, hang boh la byk sket, lebih kurang satu botoi ayaq coke 2 liter ka. boh la asam jawa dlm 2-3 keping.
operasi 2
bila ikan dah rebus aka macam minyak naik sket, hang asing ikan, tapis segala sampah, ayaq ikan rebus jadik stok. bila perisi, jgn buang tulang.
cabai kering - 10 biji = krg pedas, 1 guni = pedas kawkaw ~ rendam bg kembang
onion - 3 biji
halia - 5mm sahaja - bg hilang hanyaq ikan sardin yg akan digunakan sebentar lg
bwg putih - 3 ulas, ni ikut mood aku , kalau aku nak boh , aku boh, kalau tak aku tak boh
belacan - satu keping kecik 2cmx2cmx0.5cm. ikut suka individu ( aku bakaq dulu dlm oven)
operasi 3
blend semua diatas, dan masukkan kedalam stok ikan.
blend isi ikan yg telah diasing bersama 1 tin kecik sardin yg telah ditos sosnya, tuang dlm stok ikan,
blend tulang ikan, tapis yer masuk dlm stok ikan. kacau bg mesra
lengkuas - 2,3 keping potongan setebai 5mm
serai - 2 ketoi dititik
asam keping - 6 ketoi (slalu boh byk tp try adjust keasamannya)
operasi 4
masukkan mereka2 ini kedalam air rebusan. biaq sampai masak
gula - 2 sudu boleh substitute dgn pak aji
garam - sesuka hati
petis udang - 2 sudu optional
operasi 5
depa2 ni pulak, adjust ikut yr taste bud
daun kesum - 3 bungkuih
operasi 6
depa ni cheq boh byk pasai kat sini tarak bunga kantan. so kira kaver lah authentic laksa tu.
laksa - 1 bungkuih (rebuih), takpun org kat sini guna udon
timun & bwg & nenas & daun salad & cabai & mint & teloq rebuih
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
mind boggling classes!
Today, in my 622 class (Risk Analysis a.k.a eats stats, drink stats and breathe stats), I was totally blacked out of what the hell he was telling me on the white board or even the slide on the wall. I was like, what is it? Why it have to be this hard? OMG, I am soooo dead! I remember he was telling me about the linear programming that I should at least know and he said at least I should know how to use Maple... I was like, huh Maple? I never know there's a program called Maple.. I know how to use Maple syrup
I guess if given a choice of hydraulics and hydrology, I would rather turn back time and just focus on structures. In hydraulics, you just get yourself blended with all the terms and those Greek symbols which I never used in so many years, now has becomes my everyday writing. I don't even remember some of it, what does it call.. goshhhhh... I am that screwed huh? Oh, I learned something new today. I guess, I probably had mentioned it once in my lifetime before this.. the symbol of inverse triangle called "The Laplacian". Whatttttt????
I know, it does ring a bell to Laplace Calculus but haaaaa? Well yeah... I guess no wonder women in engineering in States is so far less than the men. It was so darn hard. I guess my undergrads was not that details. I don't know... maybe because this school is so hard so that they can get some top ten place on ranking for the best top schools in engineering. As for me, my heart wants to go back home and just do my works and don't ever bother the technical parts, but my brain and my self conscience telling me not to because I'm going to be a better worker with some knowledge in hands. I'm not a smart ass...
So, anyone who thinks you're ready to spread your wing and fly and try to get yourself an advanced degree, well, think again!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Back to school!
To honor the request from my best friend's Farie, I am now created this entry because she wanted to know how's it like study abroad. To Farie..
To begin with, I had finished my first degree in December 1999 and started worked seriously in July 2000 with a consultant firm in PJ. I worked there for 2 years and I met great people there like Serena, Jennifer, Anita, Amudha, Shan and several others. It was great working in a small company, we had about 40 staff then, and it was a great experience too. Unfortunately, I'm getting tired of keep changing my designs due to the change in landuse and elevation as the clients keep changing their minds and you have to keep changing the levels and all. We don't use any robust software except for the old Windows spreadsheet and I was getting sick of it. Luckily, I was so much in love with my husband (boyfriend then) that you know, girls in love always kind of doped up with drugs and all that made not so nice job and rented apartments seems such a very small matters. Anyways, I end up married and 2 months later I was pregnant. I was about 3 months pregnant when I started to prepare several application letters to several firms thinking that I will send those after 9 months.
Then, the interview letter from JPA came. Well, I had received several interview before like for PTDs, for Vocational Officer but I want to be a civil engineer and I don't give a heck whether I'm a good one or not as long as the job title is engineer. Hey, I had to shove some sands making concrete block and dumped it in a septic pond only for nothing? I know I'm not doing great in my undergrads but that was because I don't know what I want then but I do know that I wanted to be an engineer for better or for worst. OK, back to the letter, it was an interview for an engineer post at JPS. I always fond of water. Water simply such a fascinate substance to kind of fall in love with. So, I went to Putrajaya for the interview with nothing to lose for. I declined every questions to post me at any other states than Klang Valley. I can't even answer anything about Ministers and all (that will certainly disqualified me for a PTD) and amazingly I got the job. Reason is I believe they need staff and I got some experience too. I did answer very well for any technical related questions they asked me so I can work but my political knowledge sucks! Surprisingly, a week after, I received another letter from JPA for JKR interview. I'm bad at structures and working with highways also not such a job I'm looking forward to so I'm stick to JPS. It was like I meant for it because a year before that I got myself fall into a main drain in Greenwood. I realized later that it was like kind of a sign or something. I believe that because to my knowledge, my friends who are now engineer in JPS, all of them had kind of incident with drains and I don't asked each and every single engineer in JPS of course, but it was kind of bonding I suppose. Yeah, I know it was just a coincidence! But, isn't it obvious and kind of freaky, don't you think?
My first office in DID was HTCKL. I liked the office very much but after sometimes I kind of tired doing the same collaboration and organizing events and whatnot. I wanted to be the presenter not the organizer anymore. So, after 3 and 1/2 years in HTC, I was posted to Hydrology and Water Resources Division at Ampang Branch. I was placed in Information Management Unit which deals with hydrological data and the operation of National Hydrological Network. It was very interesting to learn types of data and how do we collect and process the data but I wanted to know more than that and working there somehow had limited your time to learn more because we have so many other things like meetings..meetings...meetings.... and ISO..ISO..ISO... or people come to ask for the data. Hmm, that was pretty tiring and you end up doing nothing actually.. or maybe it was only me who end up doing nothing...LOL!
Anyway, a few months there and I already filled up the form to request a scholar for further my study. I even asked permission from Hubby if he's willing to sacrifice his job and come abroad to accompany me and the children of course. So, I submitted my application somewhere in June 2006 and I got the news from JPA on December the same year. I was ready to accept that I did not make it but I was so happy that eventually I did. I was offered a place at Delft, Netherlands. Well, that's where I would like to go at the first place before I changed it to USA. All in all, it took me a year later to come here. I was supposed to come here in Fall 2008 but I had postponed it to January 2009. Finally, on January 7th 2008, we flew from KLIA to LAX to DIA. So, here I am and here we are. I like CSU very much but somehow I wonder what will it be like studying in Europe. I have a wonderful advisor, Prof. Dr. Pierre Julien, a great man with a great heart and I have full support from my husband and the kids fine although they don't understand much. Well, at least they don't crying their heart out to go back to KL or so, so practically you can say it is understanding enough.
The study here is awesome! You can arrange your own schedule based on your interest and the subjects offered. CSU has plenty of choices and you can even widen your selection to other school like Natural Resources and they also have cool classes too. I like the system here that you keep doing your test and even carry some percentage for the total grade. It's not like Malaysian system where the finals normally will carry 70% to 80% of our total final grade. It's killing you and almost suicidal if the subject a hardcore. The resources is plentiful and even the teacher is knowledgeable that you feel at ease learning with them. Well, there are not so good teachers so being graduate student, I have more power to choose my subject and who I want to learn from. One thing excellent about CSU is, the subjects are plenty and so you don't have trouble choosing your classes based on your interest.
What's cookin'?
It's been a while since I last posted my cooking images. Well, let say I simply not in the mood of putting up pictures of my cooking anymore. Still, I just love to cook simple things and honestly, being abroad definitely widen my cooking skill which I consider no skill at all, but still impressive results! Let see, shall I make some review of my cooking, eh?
- I know how to make Nasi Lemak now, it still taste good although without the pandan leaf and all.
- I haven't make laksa yet, I'm going to but I just don't know when.
- Making noodles dish is absolutely easy. Hmm, I never thought it was that easy!
- I still struggle to make good Nasi Tomato. Last time I did, the evaporated milk was not handy so I'd used coconut milk instead. Taste still good but somehow it lacks the spices flavor. Hmm, I should put more of the spices eh?
- Curry? Just bring it on, even without curry leaf, the taste still good! I like to use yogurt in my curry because you no longer have to use tamarind juice as the yogurt already gives you the sour you needed plus the creaminess of the curry.
- Popcorn? Any 7 yr old kid can do it. I also did the caramel syrup but when you pour over the popcorn you have to put those guys back in the oven to make it crunchier.
- Curry puff - done it! But I still don't understand why my frozen karipap tends to crack open when frying. The freshly made seems to work very fine but not after it was frozen. Hmm, too many filling or is it my dough?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I strongly agree with this article
About coffee time, well the private firms also allowed you to enjoy coffee at 10 and 3 everyday but they have tea lady who will make rounds and deliver your favorite drink. You need a break because you're not going to sit 8 hours straight. I remember the tea lady in GAA (consultant firm in PJ) who I called Auntie, she made this delicious teh tarik. I just gave her my favorite mug and she will deliver it right to my desk. My colleagues and I will have short break and gossiping while munching on the biscuits in squared tin and sipping the hot delicious tea and start kutuk our bosses or fooling around with each other. But hey, because you're having tea in the office, your boss can summon you while the biscuit still in your mouth!
I always had to have my breakfast in the morning before I started work. I chosed the 8:30-5:30 time frame but you know since you in KL and you've got children sometimes you have ample time before the bells ring and sometimes you don't. I normally can had my breakfast before I punched my card but sometimes I was late like I only have 10 minutes before 8:30, so what I did was I punched the card first and go out having my breakfast. I know legally it's wrong and unethical but I normally will take about 20 minutes. No more tea until lunch and that's all. I will have my afternoon coffee in my office. I know that some of my bosses don't like me going out after 8:30 but I only take 20 minutes and I always in the office until lunch time. I think this is much better than going out again at 10 because that time was the peak hours. People always come at that time and the officers in charge always went out for tea.
I also don't agree with the people who came in at 7:30 and then went out for breakfast at 8:00 and came back around 8:30 or so. Next thing you know at 4:30 they're going back already. OK, I'm not a saint and just because I start working at 8:30, it's not fair for me to talk about others who start working early, right? Well, I suggest the government should revert back the working hours to be from 8:30 to 5:30 or better still from 9:00 to 6:00. Reason is people is sending the kids to school early in the morning and now that the school bus fee is very expensive, you would want to send the kids yourself. You also would like to pick them up yourself.
Traffic jams? Well, it would not sound KL and urban without traffic jams right? Perhaps we should consider provide a cable car like in San Fransisco or just improve and enhanced our public transport. The reason people don't want to take a public transport is because you have to change the train like 3 times? After that hop in to another connecting bus to get to your office and not mentioning of the sardines cramped like once you're in the train. I remember I took a Putra to go shopping at Masjid India. Yes, it was convenience because you don't have to find parking lot and pay for it. No, it was not enjoyable because you have to breathe a limited oxygen in a cramped space with lots of smell (perfume and stale sweat) on the way back. So, next time I want to shop there, I rather embrace the jams than taking the train. I could always bike here because they provide a bicycle lane and those whose not biking always give ways and yield to pedestrians and bikers. In Malaysia, I will be in the front news run by some motorist the first day I bike my way to school or to office. OK, enough of it and let's read MM's good articles on saving. Hello Pak Lah, she's right we have to change our way of living. Why don't you start by selling those luxury jets and yachts of yours and give the money to rakyat as goodwill.
Wednesday June 18, 2008
You walk the talk first
The Government wants us to change our lifestyles to cope with inflation. It is easier said than done since most people were having it difficult even before the hikes. The Government must first set an example by doing things it should have done long ago.
WITH the recent hike in fuel prices and the Government’s exhortations for us to change our lifestyles in order to cope, may I provide here some suggestions for the Government and those who work for it to “share our burden”.
- Stop having meetings, especially out at resorts, far enough away to be able to claim transport allowances. Have online meetings instead or teleconferences. Use Skype or chat.
- No need to order special pens, bags, T-shirts, notepads and other goodies for those same meetings.
- No need to order kuih for mid-morning or teatime meetings in government offices, or nasi briyani lunches for those meetings that happen to end just at lunchtime.
- Cancel all trips for government servants to conferences overseas unless they return with full reports of what they did there, who they met and what they learnt and how they mean to apply what they learnt at home. Ask them to do presentations to colleagues who did not get to go, on the most interesting and important papers that they read.
- Scrutinise invoices for contracts to make sure they are truly reflective of what those projects or supplies cost.
- Stop elaborate launches for government programmes. In particular, stop the buying of souvenirs, special batik shirts, corsages, bouquets and caps.
- Make all civil servants and politicians travel economy class. That means really travelling at the back of the plane and not buying full fare economy class tickets that allow them to be upgraded to Business Class.
- Stop having the full complement of police escorts to cut down on petrol costs. If they need to be somewhere by a certain time, start earlier like the rest of us. Wouldn’t be a bad thing for them to also experience a traffic jam.
- Once a week (or more), have ministers use public transport so they know what everyone else has to suffer. This might provide them with the incentive to improve them.
- Once a week, let ministers go to a market to buy food for their families with instructions to not spend more than RM100.
- Get ministers to carpool. They might get more work done just by being able to talk to each other to see what can be coordinated between their ministries. For instance, the Ministers of Health and Women could discuss what to do about women’s health issues in the car on the way to work. Maybe have a secretary to travel in the front seat to take down notes on what was discussed. By the time they get to their offices, things can get implemented.
- Once a month, get civil servants to work with one disadvantaged group in order to be better able to appreciate their problems. It could be blind people one month, hearing disabled people the next, orang asli the following month and people living with HIV/AIDS after that.
- We could start buddy systems which pair one civil servant with one disadvantaged person and at the end of it, ask each pair to make recommendations on how to make life better for each other. This might get rid of the problem of desk jockeys, people who never stray very far from their desks yet make policies for people they know nothing about.
- Have PA systems that shout out the name of the officers who have to serve people at government offices so that people get the services they came for and don’t have to keep coming back just because the officer was out having coffee.
- No counter should be left unmanned for more than five minutes before the officer is paged to go back to their stations. This should cut down waiting time for the public and save them transport costs in having to keep returning just to get one thing done.
- Government officers who lose people’s files should be fined and have their names publicised for being careless and causing inconvenience to the public. Instead of making the public travel to their offices several times to deal with their problems, they should travel to go see their client and deal with it right there and then.
- And every officer who goes out of the office should be given a reasonable time to get his work done after which he is expected back in office so he doesn't waste time doing something else.
- And newspapers should save paper by reporting real news rather than non-news that they carry, particularly nonsensical utterances by politicians.
As they say, we need to do this all together in order to make a difference. So if the Government and politicians make these lifestyle changes, I will do my part and change mine.
Source:, June 17, 2008
Summer Vacation 2008

Finally, we made it. I thought I'm not gonna make it as I was so full with works but a week off and we covered a lot. Well, some place like Grand Canyon you just never have enough. We really enjoyed our trip. The route is absolutely beautiful. The most scenic is of course Colorado. You just so lost to her beautiful mountains, the streams, the greens of the new leaves, the blue sky. we loves the view so much. When we was in Vegas, I almost tempted to drive down to Los Angeles but then it means more time and no planning. My husband have a relative who live there at a place called Tarzana? Well, I would like to bring the kids to Tarzana but maybe some other time. So, two of the list in my wish list has been fulfilled. I am hoping the next trip will cover Niagara Falls, NY; Hershey's Chocolate Factory, NY, World of Coca Cola,AL and Walt Disney World, FL. Well, let's do some saving shall we? So, this is our wrap up for the Summer 2008 Vacation.
Sabtu, Jun 7 2008
Konon nak bangun pagi-pagi buta nak blah sebab subuh masa summer pukui 4 pagi. Tapi pasai semalam dah dok ofis ERC sampai petang then dok packing sampai tengah malam, tidoq pun dah dekat pukui 2 pagi maka kami terbabas la pulak. Nasib baik petang semalam, Seema dah bawak pi AAA ambik map free. Dia member so dapat free. Map tu la yang banyak menolong, kalau harap nak print dari Google Map tu tak cukup. Kami bertolak pukui 7 pagi dari rumah. Woish, jalan kat College Avenue punyalah clear kalau tidoq ataih jalan pun tak pa. Singgah Walmart Loveland beli ais ketoi untuk boh dalam ice box. Tak dan nak breakfast apa, buat sandwich dengan goreng nugget saja. Lepaih tu ada la cookies, buah ceri, roti kismis, chips and coklat. Kami ikut jalan lama. Perjalanan pun sungguh lama pasai Madame dah set nak singgah tidoq kat Durango so En Abang kena la drive berejam-jam untuk sampai sana. Tapi, dalam pada tu kami singgah Monarch Crest dan Blue Mesa Lake. Masa lalu dari Ouray-Silverton, mak aiii jalan dia punyalah berbelit, sempit, dalam pulak tu gaung dia.. Mau kalau jatuh tu gerenti mati punyalah.. Sempit sungguh jalan dia kira dari line putih tepi jalan tu (edge line) teruih sloping down pi bawah, tadak guard rail ka pagaq apa semua tak dak. Tapi pemandangan dia Subhanallah, sungguh cantik tak terkata. Dengan snow cap kat gunung ganang, pokok-pokok daun muda sebab daun baru keluaq masa spring, memang cantik sungguh lah. Fresh saja udara dia. Ni kawasan ni dulu depa mines diamond dan silver. Tapi, dah jadi ghost town dah la. Elevation kat situ ada yang reach more than 11,000 ft. Merentasi Colorado ni memang mencabar betoi pasai dari udara yang sedap bawak ke dingin ke panas, elevation pun berubah-ubah so sampai Durango, kepala pun sakit. Kena la pi cari ubat pasai tak boleh nak tidoq. Nasib baik la Apline Inn dia bilik luas dan selesa. Kami tidoq dengan penuh nyenyak pasai penat.
Ahad, Jun 8 2008
Bangun pagi, minum kopi dan makan donut semalam yang beli kat Walmart. Pekena lagi roti kismis Walmart tu, sedap pulak. Lepas tu, Boss pi angkut ice free boh dalam ice box, kami beli lagi 4 tin ayaq gas then teruih check out. On the way nak blah tu nampak pulak ada flea market, so singgah la sat cuci mata. Dan la beli seruling Indian dan frame kayu kecik handmade. Kayu tu kalau tak silap pakcik tu kata Birch wood kot.. dah lupa pulak kayu apa.. dia ukir sendiri by hand pakai besi panaih kot sebab dia dok tunjuk tangan dia habih melecoq. Kesian pulak tengok tu yang beli tu. Beli selipar kat budak2 ni pasai cuaca dah start panas so kesian pulak suh pakai kasut. Ada satu amoi Cina ni juai barang semua made in China. Hish, orang cina ni kan sampai ulu banat colorado pun dia boleh menega..kagum! Dalam pukui 12:30 kami bertolak nak pi Grand Canyon pulak ni. Ni express punya road trip tak boleh dok lama-lama. Rugi pulak tak singgah beli fridge magnet kat sini. Boleh lupa, adoiii rugi! Durango ni lokasi dia kat 4 corners, kat sini memang area Indian tribes ni. Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah. Babai ja kat pekan Durango dah turun bukit dah masuk kawasan gurun pulak dah. Ni dah masuk area Mesa Verde National Park. Tapi, nasib baik angin dia masih sejuk lagi so kami bukak tingkap la. Sungguh pun panas tapi sebab angin dia sejuk so sedap sajalah. Start ni gurun sedia. Tapi gurun dia lawa sungguh dengan bukit batu dan pasir yang dibentuk angin ni hasil dia memang menakjubkan. Masa ni macam lalu pekan koboi yang selalu masuk tv tu la. Start masuk Arizona saja dah start panas dah. Tak tahan pulak panas-panas ni walhal kat Aloq Staq tu panaih jugak. Dah dok besa suhu bawah 20 ni yang jadi lagu ni bila kena panaih. Kat pukui 5 kami sampai Grand Canyon lalu kot Kayenta. Masuk kat Grand Canyon tu kena bayaq USD25 satu van untuk seminggu. Teruih pi check in kat Maswik Lodge. Rate dia USD86++ semalam. Mujuq dapat pasai book last minute. Dok rehat sat dalam bilik, kami keluaq balik pi tengok sunset pulak. Kalut la sikit pasai pi dah lambat, mana nak baca map lagi kan.. sib baik dan jugak tengok sunset. Memang kenangan yang tidak dapat dilupakan lah.. cantik sungguh. Lepas sun dah set, kami linger sat dok ambik gambaq lagi sampai dah gelap baru blah nak pi cari makan kat cafe dia. Rupanya penuh orang pack pasai semua yang lepaih tengok sunset teruih singgah cafe nak melantak. Budak2 ni pulak time tu la depa dok buat lasak, mana badan belangaih lagi ni so last-last kami balik bilik pi mandi dulu. Tadi masa on the way tu ada singgah kedai Dollar shop, Boss dia beli megi 4 cawan. Lepaih mandi, dok prepare la nak masak megi dengan ayaq panaih ni sebab dah tak larat, bedai pi lah apa pun, dok belek2 ingredient dia tengok2 ada bubuh pork powder. Hampeh sungguh! Boss tak prasan pasai dia nampak Megi Udang ingat tak dak la.. dah tak dak apa nak makan maka kalut la Madame pi cari makan kat cafe. Masa tu dah pukui 9:20, cafe tutup pukui 10 malam. Sib baik sempat kalu tidak kebuluq la kami anak beranak. Lepaih ni kena bawak rice cooker la.
Isnin, Jun 9 2008
Ni memang dah penat sungguh dah ni. Plan tu konon nak pi tengok sunrise tapi tak larat la. Boss saja yang pi, kami 3 beranak dok melengkoq kat ataih katil lagi melayan perasaan penat ni. Lepaih tu, dok pikiaq, tak boleh jadi ni, bukan senang nak mai sini maka Madame pun bangun teruih kerah anak2 pi mandi siap2 nak pi jalan. Teruih la packing baju semua ready nak check out. Boss balik terkejut dia tengok kami anak beranak dah ready to rock n roll. Masuk beg semua dalam minivan kami tu teruih pi check out. Sampai kat admin ofis tengok jam tangan rupa-rupanya baru pukui 7:30. Hampeh sungguh jam meja kat bilik hotel tadi tunjuk pukui 10:00, ingat dah lewat sangat dah. Pastu pikiaq balik, tengok map rasa teruih check out lah senang. Tu dia bayaq untuk tidoq saja punyalah mahai. Shopping beli souvenir kat kedai dia, pastu beli buku Grand Canyon satu then teruih kami pi pusing Grand Canyon singgah kat Look-out point dia satu-satu ambik gambaq. Melilau pi melilau mai dah pukui 1. So, pasai nak pi Vegas pulak ni maka kami pun terpaksa la ucap babai kat Grand Canyon. Turun Grand Canyon ke Flagstaff, dok pi cari makan tak jumpa satu pun yang bekenan so isi minyak teruih drive ikut I-40. Sampai kat Selignman perut dah kebuluran so pi la cari kedai makan mana ada. Dari Seligman, drive lagi untuk ke Vegas. Dalam pada tu, singgah ambik gambaq sat kat Hoover Dam. Niat di hati tu nak masuk dalam Museum dia tapi pasai cuaca sungguh panas, tak tahan la pulak so teruih nak direct check in saja. Sejam lepaih tu kami pun sampai kat Las Vegas. Lupa pulak nak print map ke hotel so main agak2 saja. Singgah kat kedai 7 Eleven ni tanya awek cashier tu dia cakap jalan straight down. Kira betoi jugak la Madame agak2 jalan..he..he..he.. Yelah, Boss kena fokus drive, Madame pulak baca map. Rupa-rupanya, Circus Circus ni dok betoi2 kat ujung The Strip. Nak masuk pi check in ni cerita lain pulak, punyalah ramai umat manusia, sesak sungguh. Kena beratoq bukan main panjang nak check-in. Madame pulak pi tinggai passport dalam rheta dah kena pi ambik balik pulak. Sib baik parking kat chk-in parking lot tu. Dapat kunci dah dok kena perosah nak angkut beg pulak kat ataih. Ramai sungguh la orang. Bilik dia besaq tapi coffee maker pun takdak. Dok rehat-rehat kami pun keluaq cari makan dan ronda-ronda Las Vegas. Malam tu flat tidoq dengan lenanya. Eh, sebelum tu dok try jugak tengok channel XXX dia, rupanya dia caj satu filem USD12, harap maap lah. Ingatkan free boleh la peek a look pasai budak2 ni ada sekali tak boleh la overkan, nak tengok sikit saja. Kena bayaq rupanya. Internet pun kena bayaq. At least, lembap-lembap Alpine Inn kat Durango tu free la internet wi-fi dia tu. Budak2 ni nak main game online pun tak boleh. Nak pi melepak kat slot machine kat kasino kat bawah tu pun tak boleh jugak pasai budak bawah 18thn langsung tak boleh linger kat situ so Madame suruh Boss sajalah pi jalan-jalan malam tu. Madame pulak buat taik mata dengan budak2 ni.
Selasa, Jun 10 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
After 5 months
OK, first where to hit? I just don't have any place specific to go so I think perhaps we should hit to Las Vegas. I wanted to go to Yellowstone but I guess we don't have any place to stay. The Niagara Falls is too far to drive, the train tickets is sold out so that no other option but to adjourn it to next time, only God knows when. Mount Rushmore..well, Hubby just so prefer the Sin City over the president's faces. So, nearest spot available is Vegas or Santa Fe. Well, let just say we hit to Vegas. OK, I'll check the room and all and see what we can come out with.
Oh btw, I got a place to work in Engineering Research Center (ERC) so I'll be bringing in some stuff to keep the shelves occupied and not so empty. I prefer to work at home because it's more convenience plus at home you'll get all the foods and whatnot. But I guess I just have to show up there sometimes to make sure I'm in "active mode " and to show of that things are working fine. Basically, my workspace at home are so much better than at ERC but on the other hands, you will be working more seriously than you will at home. It's a spacious room and I share it with 4 others. Sang Do, a PhD candidate from Korean, Kevin from Lousiana and Quentin from New Mexico, both works as Research Assistant over this Summer and Natalie, my classmate. Well, it is interesting because you can stop and ask them questions and all and it always fun to meet people. Nevertheless, I love working at home.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Glen Haven

We stopped at our favorite spot at Lower North Fork Picnic Ground. I like the way this people provided the table and all with a certain distant to give privacy to visitors. It even have a built in griller for those who wanted to chillin' and grillin'. Unlike Malaysian style where we normally can see what the neighbors is eating and can even hear the talking as well. The weather is nice and warmer than our previous visit. Still, it is way too cold to dip yourself in the inviting streams and enjoy the water. It remains icy cold. Well, perhaps next time we can do some grillin' huh?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Everyday Malaysian
So, today's lunch is a quick and easy one. Fried fish and fried shrimps. Everything fried, how unhealthy. Well, I just made fresh salad few days ago and that will balance back for the whole week. Fair enough, huh?
Quick and easy and super duper delicious too! Just sprinkled the shrimps with tumeric powder and lil' bit of salt. Fried the shrimp on high heat with sliced onions and garlic. Keep aside and on the same skillet, fried some onions and garlic again, add in Sambal Olek and stir well, add in some dark soy sauce and oyster sauce, add in some sugar and stir until the chillies thicken, you can add a dollop of butter to thickens it, then put back the shrimp into the skillet, mix well and it's done!
As easy as 1,2,3.. marinate the fish with tumeric powder, paprika, salt and fish sauce. Let it sit for 1/2 hour. Then, fry the fish. I love crispy fish. Put the fish on the plate. Using the same skillet and oil, fry the red and green capsicum, onions and garlic (cubed em while frying the fish). Fried until the onion and garlic has turn light brown. Dashed in some light soy sauce, sprinkle some black pepper and let it simmers for a while. Pour the whole things on the fish and you're good to go.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Back to school!
To begin with, I had finished my first degree in December 1999 and started worked seriously in July 2000 with a consultant firm in PJ. I worked there for 2 years and I met great people there like Serena, Jennifer, Anita, Amudha, Shan and several others. It was great working in a small company, we had about 40 staff then, and it was a great experience too. Unfortunately, I'm getting tired of keep changing my designs due to the change in landuse and elevation as the clients keep changing their minds and you have to keep changing the levels and all. We don't use any robust software except for the old Windows spreadsheet and I was getting sick of it. Luckily, I was so much in love with my husband (boyfriend then) that you know, girls in love always kind of doped up with drugs and all that made not so nice job and rented apartments seems such a very small matters. Anyways, I end up married and 2 months later I was pregnant. I was about 3 months pregnant when I started to prepare several application letters to several firms thinking that I will send those after 9 months.
Then, the interview letter from JPA came. Well, I had received several interview before like for PTDs, for Vocational Officer but I want to be a civil engineer and I don't give a heck whether I'm a good one or not as long as the job title is engineer. Hey, I had to shove some sands making concrete block and dumped it in a septic pond only for nothing? I know I'm not doing great in my undergrads but that was because I don't know what I want then but I do know that I wanted to be an engineer for better or for worst. OK, back to the letter, it was an interview for an engineer post at JPS. I always fond of water. Water simply such a fascinate substance to kind of fall in love with. So, I went to Putrajaya for the interview with nothing to lose for. I declined every questions to post me at any other states than Klang Valley. I can't even answer anything about Ministers and all (that will certainly disqualified me for a PTD) and amazingly I got the job. Reason is I believe they need staff and I got some experience too. I did answer very well for any technical related questions they asked me so I can work but my political knowledge sucks! Surprisingly, a week after, I received another letter from JPA for JKR interview. I'm bad at structures and working with highways also not such a job I'm looking forward to so I'm stick to JPS. It was like I meant for it because a year before that I got myself fall into a main drain in Greenwood. I realized later that it was like kind of a sign or something. I believe that because to my knowledge, my friends who are now engineer in JPS, all of them had kind of incident with drains and I don't asked each and every single engineer in JPS of course, but it was kind of bonding I suppose. Yeah, I know it was just a coincidence! But, isn't it obvious and kind of freaky, don't you think?
My first office in DID was HTCKL. I liked the office very much but after sometimes I kind of tired doing the same collaboration and organizing events and whatnot. I wanted to be the presenter not the organizer anymore. So, after 3 and 1/2 years in HTC, I was posted to Hydrology and Water Resources Division at Ampang Branch. I was placed in Information Management Unit which deals with hydrological data and the operation of National Hydrological Network. It was very interesting to learn types of data and how do we collect and process the data but I wanted to know more than that and working there somehow had limited your time to learn more because we have so many other things like meetings..meetings...meetings.... and ISO..ISO..ISO... or people come to ask for the data. Hmm, that was pretty tiring and you end up doing nothing actually.. or maybe it was only me who end up doing nothing...LOL!
Anyway, a few months there and I already filled up the form to request a scholar for further my study. I even asked permission from Hubby if he's willing to sacrifice his job and come abroad to accompany me and the children of course. So, I submitted my application somewhere in June 2006 and I got the news from JPA on December the same year. I was ready to accept that I did not make it but I was so happy that eventually I did. I was offered a place at Delft, Netherlands. Well, that's where I would like to go at the first place before I changed it to USA. All in all, it took me a year later to come here. I was supposed to come here in Fall 2008 but I had postponed it to January 2009. Finally, on January 7th 2008, we flew from KLIA to LAX to DIA. So, here I am and here we are. I like CSU very much but somehow I wonder what will it be like studying in Europe. I have a wonderful advisor, Prof. Dr. Pierre Julien, a great man with a great heart and I have full support from my husband and the kids fine although they don't understand much. Well, at least they don't crying their heart out to go back to KL or so, so practically you can say it is understanding enough.
The study here is awesome! You can arrange your own schedule based on your interest and the subjects offered. CSU has plenty of choices and you can even widen your selection to other school like Natural Resources and they also have cool classes too. I like the system here that you keep doing your test and even carry some percentage for the total grade. It's not like Malaysian system where the finals normally will carry 70% to 80% of our total final grade. It's killing you and almost suicidal if the subject a hardcore. The resources is plentiful and even the teacher is knowledgeable that you feel at ease learning with them. Well, there are not so good teachers so being graduate student, I have more power to choose my subject and who I want to learn from. One thing excellent about CSU is, the subjects are plenty and so you don't have trouble choosing your classes based on your interest.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wantan Mee Wannabe
I had a craving to have a good Wantan Dry Mee like I used to have it in Amcorp Mall, PJ. I saw the noodles in Viet Hoa so I bought it. I made this on Thursday and browse the recipe on the net and came out on my own conscience. It is not really Wantan because I don't make any Prawn Wantan or Chicken Wantan like the Chinese so this is more like Wantan Mee Wannabe. It was inspired but the Wantan Mee style but more like a fusion I may say.
The prep is tedious but it's a good turn out. There's a lot of things to prepare and you only have limited equipment and limited spaces too. The recipe is easy but a bit tedious to people like me.
For the sauce, well the Chinese don't eat hot and spicy like the Malays. I like hot and spicy but I don't want to make separate sauce. So, I just fried some onions and garlic, put in 3 tbs of Sambal Olek and stir well. Put in some Oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and some sugar because it's bit too hot. Add in some of the chicken soup to it and bring it to boil. The viscosity is to your own liking. I like it not too thick and not too thin.
Seri Kaya
So, the boys loves the Kaya and I ran out of it. I don't want to go to Denver just to buy a Kaya and so I was thinking hard to make the Kaya on my own. I never made a Kaya before. Heck, you can even count how many times I cooked in a year before and now, making my own Kaya? Isn't it too ambitious? So, today after lunch, I was so sleepy for over-eating ( I made Sambal Sotong and Ayam Goreng Berempah), I was trying hard not to sleep and so I said to myself, hey, let's try make the Kaya! So, I quickly browse for the recipe and try to find the easiest one.
I found one from Mak Lang. I think she had posted the recipe in Cari forum. I modified it to suit my taste and my degree of laziness and the availability in my kitchen. This is the original recipe:
1 cup of sugar + 3 egss (beaten until mixed well).....(1)
1.5 cup coconut milk....(2)
2 tbs corn starch.....(3)
1 cup of sugar + 1 cup of water (caramelized)...(4)
All the ingredients have to be mixed in order based on its number and cooked on a low heat until boil.
This is how I do it:
The recipe requested for gula hangus (caramelized sugar). Now, how on earth do I know how to caramelized the sugar? When I cooked it, it became granulated and I just don't know when it's going to melt and all I know is we are not supposed to let the sugar burn so I cooked it in a medium heat and started to curse myself for all the troubles just to make the Kaya. I could just let the boys eat the bread with jam and butter. So, after consider it might be a disaster anyway so I just pour in the water into the granulated sugar just like you make air gula. The color of course is clear brown and I keep on stir it until all the granulated sugar melt. Then, I let it cool on stove.
Next, I beaten the eggs and the sugar. Ohh, I did not measured the sugar correctly, well my style of cooking is always based on my own pleasure. So, I just used whatever amount I think is equivalent to a cup of sugar. Reason is, I am too lazy to take a cup and take a ladle and then spoon the sugar in a cup to make sure it is a cup of sugar. Anyway, so the eggs was beaten.
Then, I just mixed the Adabi Instant Coconut Milk (the small packet) mixed it with some warm water, also not measured accordingly and stir it well. Well, just use your common sense.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Click click

Anyways, meet Aqif and Aqil. Aqif the little one looks a bit reserved and Aqil seems to flash his dolly eyes and somehow peculiar smile.. So, Aqil and Aqif.. sorry for the flowers and the pink buttons, OK?

January 12, 2003
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
roti canai, pizza, burger, coke, orange juice, cakes, chocolates, daging masak kicap
PS2 games- God of War, Ben 10, Avatar, Naruto 3, Ninja Turtle, Jack II, Black, Spiderman, Bully,etc
Mommy would not allow you to own an X-BOX
Mommy was sorry to break you Bully disc into 2 bcos you are too young to play Bully

June 24, 2005
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
roti canai, cereals, fresh milk, orange juice, cakes, jam, chocolates, nasi kicap
Power Rangers, Teletubbies, Blue's Preschool, Mickey Mouse, Barney, and science fiction movies
Mommy was sorry for selling the Apple PC because the Apple was too old and too slow.
Mommy will buy you a laptop, OK?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Geert Wilders Hates Islam
I think his popularity is declining and he needs to get it back. It's similar to celebrities who need to create a havoc to attract people attention and this freak learned from his past lesson that he earned an extra 3 seats in 2006 following his mocking to Muhammad SAW by drawing cartoons. Now, no more cartoons but a provocative film called Fitna and this was the most insulted movies ever made. He said his intention was to tell the truth and to hell what others think. For me this man does not know the truth. Perhaps by making this movie, may be his wish of becoming Dutch Prime Minister might come true then. Do you want this guy to be your leader? Ewww, that must be really gross!!
I am a Muslim and I love peace. I believe everyone in this whole universe loves to be with people they loves and to be respected for who they are. Although there are cases with maniacs who kill people for nothing or in this case who hates people for nothing. This guy had extract a few of the Holy Quran verses and only portrays what he wanted to portray. The truth is people can't just take out bit and pieces without showing the whole things. It's like the scene you see in the movie where the killer walked away while the innocent was found holding the bleeding knife or whatsoever and was put to jail for the crime he did not committed. Or just like the advertisement with nice sexy looking skin that at first look you thought it was a woman bottom but it turned out it was her feet!
There you go.. in this case although I do admit there are people out there who was a bit too extreme but why are they acting like that? If you were living in Palestine, poor and suffering with a never ending war, you might hates Jews as much as Hitler hates Jews or as much as Jews hates Hitler. Take the case in Bosnia or something else which involves the massacre of Muslims in the hands of Christians or Jews. There are people in this world who always being a victim to an extremists. Now, why this man hates Islam so much?
Gee..I don't know. What I know is the Jews thinks they are the most finest men on earth, the Arabs thinks they are the most finest too and the rest falls apart. For me, let's live in peace, don't bother about others and let other's don't bother about us. Islam teaches all Muslims to be nice to their parents and family, be nice to your neighbors and be nice to your fellow friends. In Surah Al-Kafiirun, the Muslims are taught to respect other religions as well as we wanted others to respect Islam. The translation as follows:
- Say you, O infidels!
- I worship not that you worship.
- And nor you worship what I worship.
- And I shall not worship what you worshiped.
- And nor you shall worships what I worship.
- For you, your religion. and for me my religion.
So, obviously this Dutch politician should learn more thoroughly before making a "fitnah" to Islam. All Muslims loves peace and we respect others like we wanted people to respect us. All religions wanted their believers to be nice and good. Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. So, make your choice and be nice and good. Treat others as you would want people to treat you and respect their belief as you would like people to respect yours. The world itself is full of diversity. You have diverse cultures, foods, weather and what not and of course you have diverse religions and belief. Choose whatever suit yours only don't ever insult others.
So, shall we call for a boycott Dutch products? I guess we shall. Here's the list:
Dutch Lady - Milk/Diary Products
Ferrero Roche - Chocolate
Wall’s - Ice Cream
Planta -Margerine
Lady’s Choice -Margerine
Lipton -Tea
Knorr -Food Additives
Sunlight - Margerine
Kieldsens -Chocolate
Lego -Raisin
Duyvis -Junk Food
Gouda -Cheese
Pickwick -Tea
Venz -Chocolate Butter
Kinder Bueno -Chocolate
Unilever -All products
Dumex -Milk Powder
Nutricia -Baby Milk
Doriana -Cheese Cream
Bertolli -Cooking Oil
Breeze -Detergent
Sun -Detergent
Surf -Detergent
Wishbone -Detergent
Sunlight -Dishwasher Liquid
Cif -Floor Detergent
Robin -Floor/Apparels Cleaner
Ariel -Floor/Apparels Cleaner
Omo -Floor/Apparels Cleaner
Personal Care
Dove -Bathing
Radiant -Deodorant
Rexona -Deodorant
Ponds -Beauty Product
Slimfast -Slimming Product
Clear -Shampoo
Sunsilk -Shampoo
Fair & Lovely -Cosmetics
Lux -Bath/Shower Soaps
Vaseline -Lip Balm
Labello -Lip Balm
Shell -Petrol
ING -Insurance
Philips -Electrical Products
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Roti Canai
Anyways, my whole family simply loves Roti Canai and back home in KL, we used to take the kids at late afternoon after coming home from work (if we have sufficient time) to nearby restaurant to eat Roti Canai. Normally, on Saturdays or Sundays, if Mak Wan does not made breakfast we will eat roti canai at one of our favorite places. Our favorites spots are Alif Raya at Alam Damai or Briyani Johor at Suakasih, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. We even drive up to Bt. 10 Hulu Langat and simply drop by any interesting restaurant to have Roti Canai. Sometimes, we even took the kids to Pasar Muhibbah Ampang, near our office. (I missed Nasi Lemak Along there. I even had a dream few days ago eating the Nasi Lemak and it feels real!).
Basically, these rituals is sort of family entertainment and quality time spend together in a most enjoyable fashion possible plus the most cheapest too. Everyone will simply enjoy it and the kids will have it with their favorite drink, Teh O Ais Limau (Ice Lime Tea) while we will have it with Teh Tarik. After all, Roti Canai is easily available through out the country as it is our favorite food and most consumed meal by Malaysians after rice. It is available 24-7 especially at Mamak Restaurants. So, everybody loves Roti Canai and you can enjoy eat it anytime you want!
Now, living abroad away from home, my husband has developed a progressive skill in the arts of making Roti Canai. Aqil can eat up to 3 piece in one setting and Aqif can eats 2. Whenever I made curry for lunch or for dinner, the kids will request for Roti Canai and Baba will make them their favorite food. I hopes when we return home later, Baba can keep up the good job of making delicious home made Roti Canai. After all, the Roti Canai price in KL has gone up to RM1 per piece. It will sure save lots of money to make 'em yourself!
1 cup of bleached wheat flour
1 cup of warm water
1 tblspn of sweetened condensed milk
1 tblspn of butter
1 egg
1/2 teaspn of salt
Vegetable oil for cooking
1. Sift the flour directly to the bowl
2. Pour in the salt, milk,egg and butter and mix well by hand
3. Add warm water little by little and keep on mixing the dough until soft
4. Make a small rounded ball-like dough and lightly coated the dough with oil
5. Leave the dough to softened in room temperature for at least 2 hours
6. Then you can start flatten it
7. Keep remaining dough in the fridge.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Welcoming Student's World
On Sunday night I was struggling to solve the Crop Water Requirement assignment. It was really hard and I thought I have to submit it the next morning. I was going to ask Dr. Oad to give me more time because I hardly can solve the problem. I slept late past midnight. I've been sleeping late these days.. it is kind of a new trend nowadays.
Monday..I woke up earliest possible and after quick cleaning up, I went straight to my desk and started punching my calculator and keyboard trying hard to get it solved. The class start at 11 and there I was so tensed and tried hard to get it done. The time always move super duper fast when you most need it. I had a super quick shower at 10:30 and madly run my bike to class because I don't want to be late. Well, guess what, the assignment was supposed to be turned in by Wednesday. Ha..ha..ha.. very funny eh? But, at least I have more time and Dr. Oad had explained in class on how to solve it and I managed to check with Alicia on what are the data to download. No wonder I have trouble solving it, I had download the monthly summary and I was supposed to download dailies. I like this subject a lot and I am considering to take some more irrigation related classes. The irrigation stuff really fascinates me. You learned on water control and you can apply hydraulics in there and you help people too! You help farmers to irrigate their crop and you help people to have their food supply. I am now considering to work in Irrigation Division when I come back. It will be interesting I guess.
Tuesday.. well, we had Water Colloquium at Hilton and I did not know that Dr Julien went to class, I thought he cancelled it. I missed the class. Morning, rushed to Hilton for awhile and rushed back to Engineering building for GIS class at 11-1. Dr Labadie had gave some review on the coming Mid-term exam on next Tuesday and it's going to be a closed book exam with all topics for the past 3 months. After the class I rushed back to Hilton and it was past lunch time there already and my tummy was rumbling so I went back home to eat. I'm starving! I wanted to go back to Hilton but then I stayed home and try to finish up Dr. Oad's assignment. It was a very tedious computations in Excel and very time consuming. That was Penman equations.
Wednesday.. I'd raised early and had some quick review on Water Control Structures. I have to re-sit the test because my paper was missing. The class dismissed at 12 and the test will be at 2pm. I went to Hydrology Days at Lory's and stayed there until 10 minutes to 2 and went to Dr. Oad's office for the test. It was pretty easy but pretty confusing too. After the test, I spend the rest of the afternoon in GIS lab working on the assignments. The assignments was not GIS it was hydrology. We have to solve this Green Ampt problem and it was very confusing with this whole infiltration things and the use of logical function and what not. We also have to use Solver which I never used it before. The tools was very easy of course but the assignment was not. I went back home around 10 minutes to 6 and arrived home 7 minutes later. I'm glad I bought a bike, it really helps me get around campus. Came home still struggling until midnight.
Thursday.. There was a quick snow shower in the morning and it made me a bit reluctance to go to Hydrology Days. So, I linger for a while. I hate the idea of biking in a wet day. The shower stopped around 8:20. I leaved the house around 9 and went to the conference room to listen for a while. At 11, I started to do my unsolved Green Ampt equations and had been working on it until 4. I was almost cried because I was so done with repeating the same bloody things and don't get the right answer. I am so thankful to Maia, my Russian friend who had helped me identified what was wrong with my formula. Apparently, I did not changed any units so that's why I kept getting bigger values. Ohh how I hate units conversion. It always play tricks on you. So, finally, I managed to sent the assignment on time. The deadline was 5pm. I went home and feel so relieved. A burden finally lifted up although there are many more waiting.
So, tomorrow, I will leave home early for the Hydrology Days. Tonight, I will prepare my Program of Study which I was supposed to submit to JPA within the first 3 months and apparently I failed to do that. I'm going to tell Dr Julien that I will not do any Independent Study this Summer because I simply don't have any idea what to do. I will do it on the next Summer.
Well, I really feel like student again. I am so thankful my husband has been a GREAT HELP on this and I am not sure what will I do without him. I also had spent less time with the kids and luckily they understand that Mama have lots of works to do. I'm glad this is only Master's program. So, next time when I want to do any doctorate program, I better re-consider it. It takes a long time to get and old engine running well!
Monday, March 24, 2008
My travel wish list
These are my wish list and right now since Aqif, my lil' boy still small maybe by the end of this year we'll be able to get a rough ride to the Wild Wild West..yee harrr...
My wish list...

Individual Entrance Fees:
Automobile: $20 - Valid for seven consecutive days, including date of purchase.

The entrance fee to Grand Canyon National Park is $25 per private vehicle. The fee for an individual entering by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or non-commercial group is $12.00 per person. Admission is for seven days and includes both the North Rim and South Rim. No refunds are given due to inclement weather.
So, make sure you plan well, huh?

This is simply marvellous! I've been dreaming to go here since I was a kid. Remember the TV series about that girl who had this power and she's working at Niagara? What a pleasure to work there even for just Sales Assistant!. Isn't it wonderful to see the gush of water flowing down, the hydraulic jumps will simply amaze you how unbelievable it is. Coming here means we have to spend a night here, I don't want to miss seeing the Falls at night. Please.. let me go here..
4. Disneyland, CA

This is for the kids of course. My dream of coming here has long been buried. I don't care that much if I can't go here but I'm sure the kids will curse me if I don't bring them here when we already in US. This place is sure costly and I need extra planning to make sure we can have the best possible for the kids. I know of course I will be delighted as the kids will but this one is a must visit place before we go back to KL. It will be so colorful and so lively with all those familiar Disney's cartoons character and I know the kids will enjoy it very much.
That will be all for now. There are many more but I need to get back to work and don't want to spend my afternoon dreaming about this trip...