Anyways, meet Aqif and Aqil. Aqif the little one looks a bit reserved and Aqil seems to flash his dolly eyes and somehow peculiar smile.. So, Aqil and Aqif.. sorry for the flowers and the pink buttons, OK?

January 12, 2003
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
roti canai, pizza, burger, coke, orange juice, cakes, chocolates, daging masak kicap
PS2 games- God of War, Ben 10, Avatar, Naruto 3, Ninja Turtle, Jack II, Black, Spiderman, Bully,etc
Mommy would not allow you to own an X-BOX
Mommy was sorry to break you Bully disc into 2 bcos you are too young to play Bully

June 24, 2005
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
roti canai, cereals, fresh milk, orange juice, cakes, jam, chocolates, nasi kicap
Power Rangers, Teletubbies, Blue's Preschool, Mickey Mouse, Barney, and science fiction movies
Mommy was sorry for selling the Apple PC because the Apple was too old and too slow.
Mommy will buy you a laptop, OK?
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