Sunday, September 28, 2008

Laksa Asam - resepi Pulut Cari Forum

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ini adalah resepi asal dari poremer CARI, En Pulut. Terima kasih Pulut hang post resepi ni. Lepaih ni aku nak try hat ice cream cake pulak.. Gaya bahasa dan susun atur adalah sejibik sejiban dari Pulut.. aku dah try dan jadi walaupun aku ni gatai tangan jugak adjust2 asam keping tu ikut suka hati..dah la buat time posa so masa makan buka posa tu aku kena pancing balik asam keping tu buang sebab dia masam terlebih..pastu, aku punya daun kesum tu takla sampai 3 bungkuih pasai aku beli dia dah ikat siap-siap so aku boh seikat tu jelah..banyak jugak la tu...he..he..he..

ikan temenung - 5 ekoq (mid size) nak kuah pekat tambah byk ikan - tp byk ni dah gud enuff
asam jawa - tak byk sgt , just utk cuci ikan ngan boh sket masa rebuih
1 tin kecik sardin - tunggu sampai operasi 3

operasi 1
cuci ikan dgn ayaq asamjawa bg hilang hanyaq. bilas bg bersih, hang rebuih dgn asam jawa ada lebih kurang besaq cekodok (byk nnt masam sgt). utk ayaq, hang boh la byk sket, lebih kurang satu botoi ayaq coke 2 liter ka. boh la asam jawa dlm 2-3 keping.

operasi 2
bila ikan dah rebus aka macam minyak naik sket, hang asing ikan, tapis segala sampah, ayaq ikan rebus jadik stok. bila perisi, jgn buang tulang.

cabai kering - 10 biji = krg pedas, 1 guni = pedas kawkaw ~ rendam bg kembang
onion - 3 biji
halia - 5mm sahaja - bg hilang hanyaq ikan sardin yg akan digunakan sebentar lg
bwg putih - 3 ulas, ni ikut mood aku , kalau aku nak boh , aku boh, kalau tak aku tak boh
belacan - satu keping kecik 2cmx2cmx0.5cm. ikut suka individu ( aku bakaq dulu dlm oven)

operasi 3
blend semua diatas, dan masukkan kedalam stok ikan.
blend isi ikan yg telah diasing bersama 1 tin kecik sardin yg telah ditos sosnya, tuang dlm stok ikan,
blend tulang ikan, tapis yer masuk dlm stok ikan. kacau bg mesra

lengkuas - 2,3 keping potongan setebai 5mm
serai - 2 ketoi dititik
asam keping - 6 ketoi (slalu boh byk tp try adjust keasamannya)

operasi 4
masukkan mereka2 ini kedalam air rebusan. biaq sampai masak

gula - 2 sudu boleh substitute dgn pak aji
garam - sesuka hati
petis udang - 2 sudu optional

operasi 5
depa2 ni pulak, adjust ikut yr taste bud

daun kesum - 3 bungkuih

operasi 6
depa ni cheq boh byk pasai kat sini tarak bunga kantan. so kira kaver lah authentic laksa tu.

laksa - 1 bungkuih (rebuih), takpun org kat sini guna

timun & bwg & nenas & daun salad & cabai & mint & teloq rebuih

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

mind boggling classes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I just never expected it will be this hard. Imagine you have to do all the differential and integral and whatnot again. I thought I was done with it but I was definitely wrong. Once you enrolled yourself as a graduate student, you have to dig in all those creamiest calculus you "sooo loved" back then. Not only that, you also need to equip yourself with some sort of programming knowledge in which I never thought I need it. I should have take C++ on the summer because I thought I could do without it. I am sooo exhausted.. I know my course is called engineering and hence all the math and forces and free body diagram and shear stresses and bla..bla..bla...

Today, in my 622 class (Risk Analysis a.k.a eats stats, drink stats and breathe stats), I was totally blacked out of what the hell he was telling me on the white board or even the slide on the wall. I was like, what is it? Why it have to be this hard? OMG, I am soooo dead! I remember he was telling me about the linear programming that I should at least know and he said at least I should know how to use Maple... I was like, huh Maple? I never know there's a program called Maple.. I know how to use Maple syrup

I guess if given a choice of hydraulics and hydrology, I would rather turn back time and just focus on structures. In hydraulics, you just get yourself blended with all the terms and those Greek symbols which I never used in so many years, now has becomes my everyday writing. I don't even remember some of it, what does it call.. goshhhhh... I am that screwed huh? Oh, I learned something new today. I guess, I probably had mentioned it once in my lifetime before this.. the symbol of inverse triangle called "The Laplacian". Whatttttt????

I know, it does ring a bell to Laplace Calculus but haaaaa? Well yeah... I guess no wonder women in engineering in States is so far less than the men. It was so darn hard. I guess my undergrads was not that details. I don't know... maybe because this school is so hard so that they can get some top ten place on ranking for the best top schools in engineering. As for me, my heart wants to go back home and just do my works and don't ever bother the technical parts, but my brain and my self conscience telling me not to because I'm going to be a better worker with some knowledge in hands. I'm not a smart ass...

So, anyone who thinks you're ready to spread your wing and fly and try to get yourself an advanced degree, well, think again!
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