To honor the request from my best friend's Farie, I am now created this entry because she wanted to know how's it like study abroad. To Farie..
To begin with, I had finished my first degree in December 1999 and started worked seriously in July 2000 with a consultant firm in PJ. I worked there for 2 years and I met great people there like Serena, Jennifer, Anita, Amudha, Shan and several others. It was great working in a small company, we had about 40 staff then, and it was a great experience too. Unfortunately, I'm getting tired of keep changing my designs due to the change in landuse and elevation as the clients keep changing their minds and you have to keep changing the levels and all. We don't use any robust software except for the old Windows spreadsheet and I was getting sick of it. Luckily, I was so much in love with my husband (boyfriend then) that you know, girls in love always kind of doped up with drugs and all that made not so nice job and rented apartments seems such a very small matters. Anyways, I end up married and 2 months later I was pregnant. I was about 3 months pregnant when I started to prepare several application letters to several firms thinking that I will send those after 9 months.
Then, the interview letter from JPA came. Well, I had received several interview before like for PTDs, for Vocational Officer but I want to be a civil engineer and I don't give a heck whether I'm a good one or not as long as the job title is engineer. Hey, I had to shove some sands making concrete block and dumped it in a septic pond only for nothing? I know I'm not doing great in my undergrads but that was because I don't know what I want then but I do know that I wanted to be an engineer for better or for worst. OK, back to the letter, it was an interview for an engineer post at JPS. I always fond of water. Water simply such a fascinate substance to kind of fall in love with. So, I went to Putrajaya for the interview with nothing to lose for. I declined every questions to post me at any other states than Klang Valley. I can't even answer anything about Ministers and all (that will certainly disqualified me for a PTD) and amazingly I got the job. Reason is I believe they need staff and I got some experience too. I did answer very well for any technical related questions they asked me so I can work but my political knowledge sucks! Surprisingly, a week after, I received another letter from JPA for JKR interview. I'm bad at structures and working with highways also not such a job I'm looking forward to so I'm stick to JPS. It was like I meant for it because a year before that I got myself fall into a main drain in Greenwood. I realized later that it was like kind of a sign or something. I believe that because to my knowledge, my friends who are now engineer in JPS, all of them had kind of incident with drains and I don't asked each and every single engineer in JPS of course, but it was kind of bonding I suppose. Yeah, I know it was just a coincidence! But, isn't it obvious and kind of freaky, don't you think?
My first office in DID was HTCKL. I liked the office very much but after sometimes I kind of tired doing the same collaboration and organizing events and whatnot. I wanted to be the presenter not the organizer anymore. So, after 3 and 1/2 years in HTC, I was posted to Hydrology and Water Resources Division at Ampang Branch. I was placed in Information Management Unit which deals with hydrological data and the operation of National Hydrological Network. It was very interesting to learn types of data and how do we collect and process the data but I wanted to know more than that and working there somehow had limited your time to learn more because we have so many other things like meetings..meetings...meetings.... and ISO..ISO..ISO... or people come to ask for the data. Hmm, that was pretty tiring and you end up doing nothing actually.. or maybe it was only me who end up doing nothing...LOL!
Anyway, a few months there and I already filled up the form to request a scholar for further my study. I even asked permission from Hubby if he's willing to sacrifice his job and come abroad to accompany me and the children of course. So, I submitted my application somewhere in June 2006 and I got the news from JPA on December the same year. I was ready to accept that I did not make it but I was so happy that eventually I did. I was offered a place at Delft, Netherlands. Well, that's where I would like to go at the first place before I changed it to USA. All in all, it took me a year later to come here. I was supposed to come here in Fall 2008 but I had postponed it to January 2009. Finally, on January 7th 2008, we flew from KLIA to LAX to DIA. So, here I am and here we are. I like CSU very much but somehow I wonder what will it be like studying in Europe. I have a wonderful advisor, Prof. Dr. Pierre Julien, a great man with a great heart and I have full support from my husband and the kids fine although they don't understand much. Well, at least they don't crying their heart out to go back to KL or so, so practically you can say it is understanding enough.
The study here is awesome! You can arrange your own schedule based on your interest and the subjects offered. CSU has plenty of choices and you can even widen your selection to other school like Natural Resources and they also have cool classes too. I like the system here that you keep doing your test and even carry some percentage for the total grade. It's not like Malaysian system where the finals normally will carry 70% to 80% of our total final grade. It's killing you and almost suicidal if the subject a hardcore. The resources is plentiful and even the teacher is knowledgeable that you feel at ease learning with them. Well, there are not so good teachers so being graduate student, I have more power to choose my subject and who I want to learn from. One thing excellent about CSU is, the subjects are plenty and so you don't have trouble choosing your classes based on your interest.